Dale Erickson
Dale has 32 years of growing experience. He has accumulated over 30 years of continuing education and developed close working relationships with the University of Florida extension service, Tropical Research Education Center, and the Florida Farm Bureau. Dale, third generation, has happily turned over most of the daily management chores to Krista. He now enjoys focusing his attention on promoting the research and selection of new varieties and cultivators.
Krista Erickson
Krista, fourth generation, began working at the farm full-time almost 20 years ago. Krista is now in charge of most of the customer accounts and office management. She is responsible for all of the retail order processing and shipping (except ripe mangos), the farm stand, accounting, and other management activities.
Kimberly Erickson
Kimberly, fourth generation, is responsible for marketing and strategic planning. Kim returned to the farm full-time 2007. She is responsible for the retail order processing and shipping of ripe mangos. She enjoys researching new opportunities, photography for the website and social media, giving farm tours, and other special projects. She makes the mango jam and bread for the Farm Stand when time allows.