
Also known as: chico, chicle, baramasi, dilly, chikoo, naseberry, zapote, and more

Season: Generally January through March

The smooth brown skin is easily peeled. Discard seeds. Flesh is sweet and often described as having a brown sugar or caramel flavor. Texture is somewhat gritty like a pear. May be eaten fresh. Also an excellent dessert fruit making flavorful sauces, custards, and ice cream.

Purchase Options – In Season

SHIPPING: Seven and twenty pound packages (2-3 fruit per pound) available for shipping within the continental US (except CA and AZ).

  • Order anytime via our ONLINE STORE
  • Order by phone at 561.924.7714 Please note we are not fully staffed this time of year so please leave a message if someone is not currently in the office.
  • Ship via UPS  – please choose proper service to ensure delivery within 3 days or less
  • To calculate shipping you do not need to complete checkout. Just put the item in the cart and enter the delivery zip code for rates.

PICKUP: Drive-thru pickup at the farm by appointment. Advance order required.

  • $3 per pound. Wholesale price of $2.50 per pound available for orders of 2 or more 25 lb. bulk boxes.
  • Schedule order by phone at 561.924.7714 Please note we are not fully staffed this time of year so please leave a message if someone is not currently in the office.
  • nfo we need: Your name, phone number and number of pounds (2-3 fruit per pound)
  • Pickups available on Tuesday 10 – 4 or Thursdays 10 – 6
  • Deposit of 50% required. May be made online via Paypal or by phone. Prepay for completely contactless payment.
  • All fruit are harvested order. To modify or cancel order we need at least 48 hours notice.

Storage and Ripening

Requires up to 10 days ripen at room temperature (68 degrees or higher). Ripe sapodillas may be kept in good condition for several days in the refrigerator. May also be frozen.


Sapodilla is a very good source of dietary fiber and Vitamin C. One cup of raw pulp contains 59% of the estimated daily allowance of Vitamin C and a total of 200 calories.

Origin & History

Believed to be a native of the southern Mexico, northern Belize, and northeastern Guatemala. It was introduced to other tropical climates in the early 1800s. Today cultivation is most extensive in India and Mexico.